Turbulence continues

The new VC has held a senior management group meeting where the change strategy was presented. A number of breakout groups were formed to discuss the changes. Feedback from the groups was essentially supportive of the strategy to move from faculties to schools. The main concerns were with the process, the perception that the institution had been thrust into a state of uncertainty and concerns about how staff will respond to this. It was agreed that staff should provide their thoughts either in teams or as individuals and feed these back to a generic email address so that the VC can start to gather view. The other main area of concern was the lack of detail in the current proposal and the fact that several senior managers have been given notice that their posts are at risk of redundancy. This was seen by many as potentially destabilising for the whole organization as there is now the possibility that some of these staff will leave before replacements have been recruited leaving the institution without leadership at a critical and turbulent time.

I am now very keen to start interviewing for the assignment as there is a lot of rich data in circulation. I would really like to interview  about ten people but at the moment this is not possible. I will however record any useful data and views here.

The issues raised at the meeting have clear resonance with the three core theories that I am considering using:

  1. Sensemaking
  2. Institutional theory
  3. Organizational Justice theory (OJ)

Issues relating to Organizational Justice are already coming to the surface, specifically issues around how the proposals for change have been developed and how these have been communicated. Staff are generally accepting of the need for the organization to change.

In terms of OJ there are some real connections between what is going on and the theory.

The study of people’s perceptions of fairness in organizations:
  • Distributive Justice:  The form of organizational justice that focuses on people’s beliefs that they have received fair amounts of valued work-related outcomes
  • Procedural Justice:  People’s perceptions of the fairness of the procedures used to determine the outcomes they receive
  • Interpersonal Justice:  People’s perceptions of the fairness of the manner in which they are treated by other people
  • Informational Justice:  People’s perceptions of the fairness of the information used as the basis for making a decision

The issue at the moment relates most strongly to Procedural Justice, Interpersonal Justice and Informational Justice. People do not understand the process that has brought about the changes, people do not consider the process to be fair and there is a deficit of information.

OJ also relates strongly to individual and team performance and has been shown to have an impact on customer service. These issues are clearly of concern to the organization. My question for the assignment research project is:

  1. What are the key issues that employees attend to during organizational change?
  2. How do these issues differ across the hierarchical levels of non-supervisors, supervisors and executives?

The interview question is:

Tell me what you think is good and what is bad about the change that is occurring.

I am planning on using Convergent Interviewing which is a form of semi-structured interviewing. The structure is supplied by the initial question and then the interviewer leaves the interviewee to speak for as long as they like. This can be up to 90 minutes. The interviewer can use small prompts to keep the interviewer talking such as asking ‘what else’, ‘how do you fell about that’, nodding but mainly being very attentive.

In some ways the change is happening about a year too soon. By the time I get to asking the question for the main project the change situation will be about a year into the change. It’ is likely that some of the staff in the institution will no longer be working there in a year. This is a little frustrating.


Turbulence in action

The university where I am planning on carrying out my research project has appointed a new Vice Chancellor (CEO). The VC designate will be starting work officially on the 1st January 2014. He has though started to attend some meetings on a weekly basis with the current senior management team and individual members of staff and students. The aim of these meetings seems to be for the new VC to gain an early understanding of the institution and some of the key challenges facing it.

On Monday this week the senior management teams of the Faculties were called to meetings with Executive Deans where changes to the existing structure were outlined and a number of posts were identified as being at risk of redundancy. These included the Executive Dean and Pro-Deans of Faculty.

The main message from the Executive Dean was that although there is going to be a lot of turbulence over the coming months it is essential that business as usual continues as there are still students to recruit and the business to deal with.

I have spoken to a small number of staff in a variety of positions about the proposed changes and it seems that there is a common thread of uncertainty but for some people resignation and the view that change is absolutely necessary even if it results in their own positions being made redundant.

The trades unions today issued an email to members saying that they have not confidence in the new VC and asking the Board of Governors to cancel his contract prior to his January 1st start date.

The VC has stated that the changes are not financially driven or a post reduction process but a way of ensuring the long term sustainability and success of the institution.

According to Scott (1995) the dominant sociological view (of an institution) focused on the effects  of cultural belief systems operating in the environment of the organization. There is a possibility that people feel a high degree of uncertainty because they see a threat to the culture of the current organization.

Scott, W.R, (1995), Institutions and Organizations, Sage Publications Inc., California, USA.

More thoughts on sensemaking, organizational justice and turbulence »

The situation where I would like to carry out the research for my assignment is changing rapidly. The new CEO has presented the plan for changing the organizational structure to the board of governors and there is a meeting on Monday 25th November with senior managers. At the meeting it is expected that information will be presented outlining the new structure.

I will need to identify some key participants to interview soon as I want to make sure that I speak to people who are currently in existing posts and roles and who may be or will be affected by changes. This will allow me the potential to go back at a later point to review their opinions on the changes after they have been implemented.

The feeling of organizational turbulence has definitely increased over the past week due to the build up to the meeting this week. There is an increasing feeling of uncertainty and apprehension. This is very rich material for carrying out the interviews. I would expect to find that people are attempting to make sense of the situation and would also expect to find that people discuss issues relating to justice and how decisions have been decided on by the executive.

Since my last post I have been looking at various papers investigating large scale change in organizations. I have also been looking at methods for organizing my assignment  literature review. In doing this I came across two related and very interesting papers. One Introducing the Literature Grid: Helping Undergraduates Consistently Produce Quality Literature Reviews by Peter Yacobucci (2012). I have created a spreadsheet for the purpose from the specification in the paper and this seems to work very well and I think it will be very helpful. I looked at using NVivo 10 for the literature review but I found the application crashed several times.

I found I had wasted a lot of time setting things up in NVivo 10 so at the moment I am sticking with the spreadsheet. During the search for a method of organizing my literature I started to search for papers  in Emerald on interview techniques. In one, Employee perceptions of organizational change: impact of hierarchical level by Jones. L, Watson. B, Hobman. E, Bordia. P, Gallios. C, Callan. V (2008).

The abstract describes the paper as, The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of organizational level on employees’ perceptions and reactions to a complex organizational change involving proposed work force redesign, downsizing and a physical move to a new hospital. I found this paper to have several similarities to the situation that I am intending to investigate in my assignment.

I realised that as the situation is similar but separated by time and being a different field (a hospital) I noted that the authors specify two research questions that I could re-use in my own research. In my view it is perfectly acceptable to re-use these questions because the situations are different and it would be interesting to see how the outcomes of my assignment study differ or are similar to this study.

What I found to be very interesting in the paper is a reference to Convergent Interviewing. When I first read the paper I did not pick up that this is in fact a specific interviewing technique. I re-read the paper and found that the interviewers asked their participants only one question. I found this confusing at first. After looking up references to Convergent Interviewing I found that the technique is based on asking just one question. The question has to be very well crafted in order to illicit a significant response from interviewees.

In the paper there is a question that chimes with my own research so in the same way that I am going to use the research questions I will use the same interview question. According to the papers on Convergent Interviewing the interviewer should ask the question and then use deep listening in order to focus on the answer and use some small prompts if necessary. The aim is to allow the participant about an hour to 90 minutes to talk about their thoughts and views. The interviewer records the main points of the interview in their notebook.

I think it is going to be a challenging getting my participants to respond adequately to one question. On the other hand I believe that people who are struggling to make sense of a turbulent situation will be willing to talk about their feelings and opinions because they will have strong views on the situation – either positive or negative.

I will be approaching some interview candidates this week.



Thoughts on sensemaking, organizational justice and turbulence

I have now decided to stay with the topics of sensemaking, organizational justice and turbulence for my assignment and thesis. At the session on Saturday 16th November I went through my presentation with the group after initially thinking that I would not bother as I thought it was not going to be good enough. I also had  a bit of confidence loss in what I am doing. Whilst doing the presentation  I realised that the topics and themes are actually worthwhile. I received good feedback from the group.

I need now to firm up my thinking on a whole range of issues including:

  1. Questions – I need to repeat the Goldilocks test on the questions but more importantly I need to make sure that the questions will be able to elicit responses of value to the research.
  2. Methodology – I need to make a decision at least for the assignment on the methods that I am going to use. My initial thoughts are that Grounded Theory would be a good place to start because it will allow me the opportunity to practice coding in software (such as NVivo).
  3. Scope of the assignment research project – this needs to be carefully crafted as there is going to be a very limited amount of time to carry out the actual research component and I will need to identify people who can possibly provide data.
  4. For the assignment I am going to look at doing a small amount of triangulation by finding relevant documents and carrying out some textual analysis.
  5. Ethics – I will need to inform the participants that ethical approval has been granted and that they have the right to curtail the interview if they wish to do so.
  6. Participants – I need to identify the participants for the assignment. I only need one or two people for the assignment and there is an opportunity to interview the current VC before he leaves at the end of December. I would want to have some excellent questions though before proceeding as I would not want to waste his or my time.
  7. Timeline – I need to work up a firm timeline for the research. This should be straight forward, assuming I can get the participants on board.
  8. Literature review – I need to work on my literature review very, very soon. I have been doing a lot of reading recently but I need to get my references into Mendeley and organised into categories.
  9. Theory – I need to firm up the underlying theories that I am going to use. I was thinking of using ANT which is complementary to the Case Study method but Grounded Theory is similar in terms of following the actor.

Things fall into place

After spending the last few months investigating Actor-Network Theory, Organisational Justice Theory, Institutional Theory, socio-technical systems, service systems, sensemaking, service science and team change I have FINALLY had an epiphany that has led me to a much more concrete and plausible research topic.

I found a PhD thesis Managing Organizational Change during Institutional Upheaval, Bosnia-Herzegovina’s Higher Education in Transition by Dijana Tiplic. After reading through the thesis I realised that where I am working is an organization in upheaval. A new Vice Chancellor will be starting in January and this change at the top is already causing uncertainty throughout the organization.

I felt that the word upheaval seemed a bit loose so decided on turbulence. I have found that this is a good choice as turbulence is actually a technical term relating to large scale organizational change either as an external influence or an internal one. Some external turbulences include the outbreak of the First and Second World Wars, the 1929 Stock Market crash, the 2008 financial crisis, changes in legislation affecting businesses such as tax changes, interest rate changes etc.

Internal turbulence can be produced by a change in the Chief Executive Officer, a major IT infrastructure implementation either one that succeeds – look at the introduction of ICT’s into the newspaper industry by News International, or one that fails and almost or completely destroys the company.

I have realized that there is a good link between sensemaking in organizations, institutions, turbulence and change. These concepts are all active where I work and as the organization and it’s institutions are on the verge of a turbulent change (new CEO) this is an opportunity too good to pass up.

I am going to use the situation to investigate how an organization controls change in turbulent times and make the transition from one leader and associated ideas to another. Staff in the organization are concerned and apprehensive about the future and are anticipating significant changes. There is a view that the university will be transformed from a faculty based structure to a schools based one. This view tends to be based on the fact that the new VC’s ex-university is a schools based organization.

Speaking to various people in the organization there is a strong view that the whole place is going to be transformed into a new structure. People I speak to about the new VC tend to speak as though they are justifying their positions. I have noticed that there has been an increase recently in a focus on managing performance. This seems to be related to people / managers in the organization justifying their position or the position of their team. There is also a feeling of uncertainty amongst some staff that this change might be an opportunity to remove them.

The challenge for the organization is to manage the turbulence so that it successfully emerges stronger and better positioned in the market i.e. profitable.

So the title of my thesis is going to be: Making sense of the organization in turbulent times. I’ve Googled this title and it does not seem to exist!

Qualitative Research, Assignment 1: Background to research project

For assignment 1 I am planning on investigating the impact of change on a service delivery team in a UK university. The team consists of 28 posts and includes 5 sub-teams each of which has a first line manager. The current situation is the the university is going through major changes with a new Vice Chancellor coming into post early in 2014. The structure of the university is likely to change from the current 4 faculty structure. There has been a drive for student facing teams to develop into customer focused services. The team structure has just  been subjected to a review and re-organisation with a realignment of overall line management. The aim of the change is to simplify the structure (previously half the team reported to a Head with the other half reporting to academic Heads and other posts. The new structure is being built from the point of view of a client:service team with demand from clients (academic departments) provided as needed.

More far reaching changes are planned for example the Head of Support Services would like to move the team from it’s current operating philosophy of operational delivery i.e. day-to-day silo based low-level customer involvement process design towards a service systems approach.

One definition of a service system is: A service system (or customer service system, CSS) is a configuration of technology and organizational networks designed to deliver services that satisfy the needs, wants, or aspirations of customers. (Wikipedia, accessed 03/11/2014). A number of key points can be derived from the definitions of service systems that have a practical impact such as:

  • Integration of organisational networks and technology
  • High degree of customer contact
  • High levels of customer satisfaction
  • The flow of services
  • Degree of customer involvement
  • Co-creation of services and value
  • Outcomes in the customer space places a requirement on the provider to have much closer cooperation and coordination with the customer
  • Co-creation is about join creation by the

    company and the customer.

These are current ideas. To be revisited shortly.