The impact of organizational and technological change on team identity

In my last post I had just started in my new job and was trying to find a relevant project that combined organizational and technological change. I have now managed to find a suitable project concerning the centralising of administrative services combined with the introduction of a new corporate information system.

The information system will link a new front office function (previously back office) with faculty administration staff (previously front office but becoming more back office). These changes are likely to have an impact on how group identity is constructed and deconstructed.

The issue of in-groups and out-groups is likely to be challenged and staff members may find themselves under stress due to changes in their long held team identities. The research project is now entitled The impact of organizational and technological change on team identity.

I have received permission from the institution to carry out the project and have now submitted my RES2C, project proposal. The research committee sits in May so hopefully I will get the go ahead to proceed. The next step after this will be submitting the Ethics approval.