Towards the end of the interview process

I have to date interviewed 12 participants. I have decided to carry out five more interviews. These will be:

  1. The Director of Student Services
  2. The Registrar
  3. A user from the Distance Learning team
  4. A project manager who carried out a quantitative survey gathering data and feedback on the SID system post implementation
  5. The Director of the School

Completing these interviews will combined with the already completed interviews, provide me with a good cross section of staff and a rich base of data covering organizational and technological change.

So far I have carried out some initial data analysis using In Vivo and Descriptive coding. I will be revisiting all the coding again. I have been reading Johnny Saldana’s book The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers and Kathy Charmaz book Constructing Grounded Theory.

I have so far found the coding process very difficult. The volume of data can be overwhelming but the main problems I’m facing are thinking through the codes so that they make sense in terms of the research questions, having the confidence to code and to know that the coding is adequate.

In Vivo coding seems time consuming and using the words of the participants sometimes feels as though the coding is insubstantial, the descriptive coding also seems too abstract and not representative of what is being said or analytical enough.

Dealing with the number of codes used feels overwhelming and difficult to organise. I have been using post-it notes for the descriptive coding so far to avoid leaping to the use of computer data analysis first off Once I have had a couple of rounds of hand coding I will look at the data using NVivo.

Hopefully the NVivo coding after hand coding will be faster and will get to a set of conclusions quickly.




Considering the thesis

I have been considering the drafting of the thesis. Once the interviews have been concluded I will start to consider the data analysis. The process of data analysis will need to be carfully planned prior to actually carrying out the analysis. The analysis will need to be aligned with the research plan and  strategy. Using convergent interviewing lends itself to the use of Nvivo for coding.

Before the analysis or at least simultaneously I will be starting to draft the thesis. I am aiming to start with the literature review which will be a significant historical overview of organisational change management and Actor-Network Theory.

I will return to these topics in later posts.