Adjusting my data analysis strategy

I have been reviewing and rethinking my data analysis approach. I have been coding in NVivo directly to the audio track. This has been revealing in terms of coding and memo writing but is extremely time consuming. After thinking through the process from my original strategy of using Convergent Interviewing and keeping short notes rather than transcribing the whole interview, I realised that I need to revisit this and code against my typed notes rather than the whole audio track.

According to Dick the original Convergent Interviewing process relied on note taking without transcription where the notes are linked to the under pinning theoretical framework.

I am now going to:

  1. code in NVivo against the notes I took during and after the interviews
  2. review the contract summary forms to determine themes
  3. query the codes and memos from the text coding and memo writing
  4. combine with coding from the interview recordings

This will return me to my original plan and speed up the data analysis process.